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Next 10 Delivery Plan

Keeping the Promise

The OCTA Board of Directors (Board) approved the OC Go Next 10 Delivery Plan (Next 10 Plan) on November 14, 2016, to set priorities and funding commitments over a ten-year period from fiscal year (FY) 2016-17 through FY 2025-26. This comprehensive and balanced plan was developed to ensure that the promises made in the 30 year OC Go Transportation Investment Plan (OC Go Plan) can continue to be delivered in concert with changes in economic conditions and revenue projections.

On September 27, 2021, the Board received the 2021 OC Go sales tax forecast of $13.2 billion (through 2041), which reflects a $1.6 billion increase from the 2020 forecast. While the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic negatively impacted sales tax revenue through the first half of FY 2020-21, the second half of the FY showed tremendous growth as the Orange County economy began emerging from the pandemic. The Next 10 Plan sets a course for accelerated delivery through FY 2029-30, it also ensures that the entire OC Go Plan of projects and program commitments can be delivered through 2041.

On December 13, 2021, the Board approved the 2021 Next 10 Plan. As a result of OCTA’s strategic planning to date, the 2021 update continues to demonstrate that the OC Go Plan remains deliverable.

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OC Go Timeline

Since the approval of OC Go, the OCTA Board has continued to advance implementation of OC Go through the adoption of a series of early delivery plans. These early delivery plans are designed to ensure the delivery of all projects and programs through 2041 as promised to the voters. These plans also bring transportation improvements earlier to residents and commuters of Orange County, and, as appropriate, address fluctuations in sales tax revenue projections.

Five-Year Early Action Plan (EAP)

Adopted in 2007

Completed in 2012

M2020 Plan

Adopted in 2012

Intended to go through 2020, but was cut short due to a decrease in sales tax revenue.

Next 10 Delivery Plan

Originally adopted in 2017

Revised timeframe to 2021 to 2030.


Next 10 Plan Deliverables

To help improve mobility in Orange County over the next ten years, the deliverables are categorized by mode below. The progress of the Next 10 Plan will be reported every quarter as part of the OC Go Quarterly Report.

Aerial photo of freeway

  • Deliver 14 freeway projects through construction.
  • Prepare remaining freeway improvement projects for delivery.
Traffic intersection

Streets and Roads
  • Provide annual competitive funding opportunities for local jurisdictions to address bottlenecks and gaps in the street system, synchronize signals, and continue flexible funding to local jurisdictions to preserve the quality of streets or for use on other transportation needs, as appropriate.
Metrolink train at San Clemente Pier

  • Maintain Metrolink service and complete rail station improvements.
  • Complete construction, secure vehicles, begin operating the OC Streetcar; work with local jurisdictions to consider recommendations from planning studies to guide development of future high-quality transit connections.
  • Support expanded mobility choices for seniors and persons with disabilities.
  • Work with local jurisdictions to maintain successful community circulator projects and potentially provide grant opportunities for expanded or new local transit services.
  • Continue to improve the top 100 busiest transit stops to enhance the customer experience.
Southern California hills and nature

  • Ensure the ongoing preservation of purchased open space which provides comprehensive mitigation of the environmental impacts of freeway improvements and higher-value environmental benefits in exchange for streamlined project approvals.
  • Work with the Environmental Cleanup Allocation Committee to develop the next tiers of water quality programs to prevent the flow of trash, pollutants and debris into waterways from transportation facilities. In addition, focus on improving water quality on a regional scale that encourages partnerships among the local agencies as part of the Environmental Cleanup Program.